Local Businesses

Listed below are businesses or individuals who offer services in and around Castle Bytham.
If you would like to be included in this directory please contact us.

To view their websites or to email them, please click on the links.

The Clever Coop Company
Stockists of easy clean, maintenance free chicken coops.
Bradstone House, Castle Bytham, Lincs. 01780 411194

Crochet Group
Despite losing various members (to York and Australia) we have good numbers of both skilled and learner crochet workers. We would like to welcome more to our Wednesday afternoon gatherings, all at varying venues so please contact Rose Bakker if you would like to know more.
01780 410421
Grantham Writers
Contact Bernice Dachs
01476 592551
The Home Maintenance Network
Electrical and Plumbing — Small Building Works — Security and CCTV Installations
— Portable Appliance Testing — Small Tool and Plant Hire — Local Deliveries
Call 01780 411194 Mobile 07833 774032
Ingriddesigns is a friendly bespoke graphic design company, creating original artworks for stationery, leaflets, logos, illustration, business cards, labeling & packaging, web design, posters & advertising for professionals, businesses and individuals.
Please call us on 07810 341455 or 01780 410579
Rosewell Shiatsu Centre
The Rosewell Shiatsu Centre is a practice dedicated to the promotion of health, well being and personal development.
Contact Sue Hix.
01780 410072
TLC - Massage and Beauty Therapy
Unwind in an authentic scandinavian log cabin and enjoy being pampered by a fully qualified therapist with experience at one of the region’s most exclusive health spas and fully trained by Decleor.
Waggy Tailz
Located in the heart of Lincolnshire in the small, rural village of Swinstead, Waggy Tailz has now been providing pet care services for over three years. These services include dog walking, doggie daycare and home boarding.